Thursday, January 17, 2013

Baby Bound - Week 28


How far along?  28 weeks and the beginning of the THIRD TRIMESTER!!!  Time is flying!!!

How are you feeling?  Pretty great!  I’m starting to become more and more winded with small tasks like tying my shoes and bending over.  Climbing the stairs at work has officially come to an end, and grunting has become a very normal sound to come out of me every 5 minutes. 

Stretch marks?  Yeah, yeah.  Still no sign of the “zipper” though.  Fingers crossed I don’t get that. 

Best moment of the week?   Coming back to work on Jan 2nd we were told that our company had been acquired by another company as of 12/31.  For the most part, not much has changed, and what has changed has been for the better.  I just found out that I get an additional 6 weeks paid maternity leave and that’s on top of the 12 weeks of leave I was already going to take.  I’m so stoked!   My maternity leave is set to begin on March 15th which is only 9 weeks away!!!  AND….Another great thing to note this week……My work has adjusted my "in office" hours from 8-3 rather than 8-5 to help off-set the time I sit in traffic so I don’t get too tired.  (That doesn't mean I don't stop work at 3.  I just leave the office at 3, and work the last two hours at home).  I love the people I work with!  I can honestly say they are some of the most genuine, accommodating, down-to-earth people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing!

Sleep?  Amazing!  I’ve perfected my pillow cocoon and I sleep so hard for most of the night.  I’m starting to get used to the babe’s 2:00 a.m. playtimes and can usually fall right back to sleep. 

Cravings?  Cereal!  And Starbucks decaf Via with hazelnut creamer.  And Costco chocolate muffins are back on the must have list. Oh and ice cream.  I can’t get enough.  Yum, yum!

Miss anything?  Lunch meat!  

Movement?  Crazy amounts!  I love to watch my belly move from side to side. 

Belly button in or out?  Flat when standing.  Still a little "inny" when sitting.  How does that work? 

Wedding rings on or off?  Off.

Current mood?   So happy! 

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