Monday, October 8, 2012

Third Times the Charm!

(Originally written July 2012)

I love the saying “The third times the charm!”  Why?  Because it usually holds true.  After a long road and several months working with the fertility clinic, we just received the best news of our lives.  Guess what?!?!

It was Thursday afternoon on July 19th.  I had been especially irritable that week but I didn’t really know why.  I mean, 5-alarm butt-head!  Things that wouldn’t normally set me off seemed to really get me fire me up.  I got into it with the IT guy at work three different times, I interpreted an email from a friend to be a personal attack and “spoke my mind” about a few things, and then there’s my poor husband.  We rarely find anything wrong with one another but for some reason even the way he pushed a shopping cart around the store was irritating.  He kept pushing it diagonally and wouldn’t walk in a straight line.  I know, the audacity!

What was wrong with me?  Why was everyone around me so annoying?  Then it dawned on me.  It had to be because I was expecting “the phone call” with my pregnancy test results in a few days and I just knew it was going to be negative again.  So much so, that my husband and I had a long conversation the night before on what our next step was going to be if this didn’t take.  After all, the doctors said this was our third and final try and if we weren’t pregnant then we needed to explore more extreme measures.  I knew in my heart it was negative.  

I was completely shocked when the voice on the other end of the phone said “Its positive”.  

I responded sadly, “oh, okay.  WAIT. WHAT?!?  Did you say it was positive?”

“Yes, its positive”. 

I started bawling on the phone.  The nurse could barely understand me after that.  She said I would have to go in again in two days and repeat the blood test to be sure it was a viable pregnancy, but as of right now everything looked pretty good.  I called my husband and was still crying when he answered.  He’s gotten this emotional sobbing wreck of a phone call two times before so his first words were “oh babe, I’m so sorry.  We’ll just try again”. 

I replied, “no, sniff, sniff, its positive.  We’re going to be parents”.  There was silence on the other end of the line and then we both burst into tears and laughter. 
After a very long two days, we headed back to the clinic to repeat the blood test.  We've never been so nervous in our lives.  Hours later, we still hadn’t received a phone call so we tried to keep busy.  We were in a parade that morning and then we headed to the local farm to pick up some produce.   My husband ran inside to get a watermelon while I waited in the car.  As he came out, watermelon in hand, I gave him a big two thumbs up.  His face lite up with excitement and he mouthed “Really?”  Then I realized why he was so excited.  “Oh crap, NO, NO, NO,” I said, while waving my arms back and forth.  “They didn't call.  I was giving you thumbs up because you picked out a great watermelon.  Good job!” 
“Geeze babe!  Don’t do that to me.”  He said.  

“Oops, sorry.  I was just really excited about the watermelon.  It looks like a good one!  Hahahaha.” 

When the call came in, we got the news we were hoping for.  However, since my “positive” levels were so low with the first blood test they wanted us to come back in another two days for a THIRD blood test.   Three blood tests?!?!  Couldn’t I just pee on a stick like everyone else?  The third blood test was also positive.  After a long year and a half of hoping and praying for a baby, our prayers have been answered.  But of course, I still had to pee on a stick to see for myself!


  1. I love that in your "first family photo" Ian is rocking a VICK shirt!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Can't wait to meet Baby Bachtel!

  2. Such a great story :) I had to wipe a tear away while I read it, even though I had heard it before :) I am glad you took a test on your own for photo-op sake, too. I am so happy for you two!!
