Let’s get real personal for a minute. Pregnancy farts. Why has no one ever mentioned these butt
assassinations before? They are so bad
that instead of calling them SBD’s I am taking it upon myself to rename them SBB’s
(Sudden Butt Bombs) because no one see’s them coming and they have the power to take down an army. PeeeeeUUUUU.
The bloating has been bad, but up until this point the farts have just
exploded inside my tummy and haven’t escaped.
So as you can imagine, when I actually had one knocking to come out I eagerly proceeded and breathed a big sigh of relief. OH. MY. GOSH.
That was amazing! The relief only
lasted for about five seconds and BAM!
What the? What is that
smell?!?! Its not possible that I just
produced that smell. Not. Possible! Right as my eyes started to water from the
burning smell my husband walked into the kitchen to give me a kiss. I started laughing so hard, and hung my head.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it”.
“Oh my gosh!
That was you?!?! I thought that
was the dog! That is the grossest thing
I’ve ever smelt. The air is just thick
in here!”
A few days later, again in the kitchen, I let another
one. My husband has impeccable
timing. Poor guy. The second after my relief he walked into the
hazy air. He gets a puzzled look on his
face and I kid you not, says “Are you cooking eggs? It stinks in here!” BAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sorry babe.
You’ve fallen victim to another SBB!
We had a minor scare this week and as a result had an
impromptu ultrasound. Our first
appointment with the doctor isn’t until 9/19 so it was pretty exciting to see
our little grasshopper earlier than we had anticipated. The baby is healthy and on track with a
heartbeat of 157 beats per minute. This
was the first time my husband was able to see and hear the baby. It was amazing to watch his face light up
when he heard the heart beating for the first time. That’s something I will never forget.
My clothes are starting to get uncomfortable this week. I never had much room to expand in them to
begin with so with all of the bloating they are really tight. At the beginning of the pregnancy I scored a good
sale at Sophia and Isabel and got two BellaBands for $6 each! Holler!!! They are normally $22 each. Until this week, I haven’t felt justified in
wearing them. I mean, c’mon, I shouldn’t
need a pant extender for gas! I finally
broke one out and wore it with some shorts last weekend. It. Was. Splendid! I also scored a new bra at the Motherhood
Maternity outlet. It was $10! Normally $35.
Again, SCORE!!! My bra has been
leaving giant divots in my skin. And
this new bra is 2, yes TWO cup sizes bigger than my normal bras. Can we say AWESOME!?!?! Truthfully, I still have a little room to
grow into it, but its quite comfortable.
AND…….As if being pregnant isn't already a gift in itself, you get a ton of FREE
stuff when pregnant. Just for shopping
at Motherhood, I got coupons for a ton of free items. Like cool items. I was able to redeem a baby sling as well as
a hooter-hider! ALL. FOR. FREE! I still need to redeem my car seat
Did you read the Belly Laughs book that Darci got for me? That gives a pretty honest account of things that people don't really talk about - although I never experienced much of the SBBs you are mentioning (fortunately). Those are great ultrasound pictures they got! Even that early on, it looks like an actual baby and not just a blob! :)