Baby is the size of a LIME!
Whoa, I need a tan! |
12 week development - Courtesy of
The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your
baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his eye
muscles will clench, and his mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you
prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be
able to feel it. His intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude
into the umbilical cord, will start to move into his abdominal cavity about
now, and his kidneys will begin excreting urine into his bladder. Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and in your
baby's brain, synapses are forming furiously. His face looks unquestionably
human: His eyes have moved from the sides to the front of his head, and his
ears are right where they should be. From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is
just over 2 inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce.
You guys. Its
official. I can no longer button my
pants. I’m sure its mainly still gas and
a few extra LB’s but my pants are definitely not buttoning. Its just such a weird feeling to be able to
button your pants one week and then the next, nadda. I couldn’t even button them if I wanted to. My shirts are also getting tight. The button down blouses I wear for work
are popping open at my chest. So I can’t
wear those anymore. Then my non-button
cotton dress shirts are getting too tight around the chest and belly also. I actually got stuck in one of my shirts this
morning. Really. I was STUCK!
I got it on, but couldn’t breathe so I knew that wouldn’t do. When I tried to take it off I found myself
spinning in a circle in my closet with my shirt up around my head. It took a good minute to get it off. Sigh.
We told a few friends and some more family this
week! It was so great to see people’s
reactions. I even got flowers at work from one of my closest friends!
It was very special!
I experienced some pretty intense cramping this week. Like, to the point where I almost
doubled-over in agony. I’ve never
experienced pain like this. It was in my
abdomen, creeped into my side and into my lower back. It didn’t feel like typical female cramping
or bloating cramping, but it also didn’t feel like something was wrong so it
didn’t worry me too much. Do you want to
know what it was from? TMI Alert!!! Apparently it was
because I needed to poop! Even though I
had already gone twice that day! I’ve
always been a very “regular” person. The
two days prior to that, I didn’t go at all.
I’ve never gone more than a day without “going” so my stomach was pissed!
After two more poops that day which would make a total of FOUR times, I was feeling great! LOL. I’m screwed when it comes to the pain of child birth.
Our first official, official doctor’s appointment was this
week. I finally got to meet my new
doctor. He was alright. I mean, he was fine, but I can’t help but
compare him to my last doctor. She was
amazing and I’m so sad that she’s no longer my doctor. I’ll have to get over that I guess. We got to hear the heartbeat again and got
another ultrasound! The sound of the
baby’s heart is seriously the best sound in the world. We both get teary-eyed every time! It was also crazy to see how much bigger the
baby is this week compared to the ultrasound last week. Its amazing how fast they grow from week to
I also had to give blood at this appointment. Although, it wasn’t your typical blood-giving
experience. She took the blood from my
finger and I had to produce enough of it to fill in 6 big circles on a sheet of
paper. It was like paint-by-numbers, but
with blood. So weird! And, my fingers weren’t cooperating. She had to stick me THREE times! Ouch.
One of my fingers didn’t appreciate it and now I have a bruise to show
for it. Who gets bruises on their
fingers? I guess there’s a first time for everything.
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Ouch! |
Are those comments on your ultrasound from your doctor? Or did you put those on there? If they were from the doctor that's hilarious! Can't believe how much Baby Bachtel has grown!!!