The temperatures haven't been as hot lately but they're still brutal so we limit our outdoor activities on the days above 95. We got a membership to a children's museum here in Medford, so that has helped keep Kensie busy, and me comfortable, on the really hot days.
Overall I'm feeling pretty good. I typically have low blood pressure (Yay me!) but unfortunately I've been experiencing really low blood pressure with this pregnancy. Like really low. My last reading was 90 over 55. More and more I'm experiencing an hour or two a day where my heart starts racing, I get really lightheaded, short of breath, and nauseous. Annnnd it's completely out of nowhere, which is fun! Once I sit or lie down for a while it subsides and I feel better. They say that your blood pressure is lowest during the latter part of your second trimester so hopefully it will get better in the coming weeks. I don't remember experiencing this last time.
Picture is at 25 Weeks |
Any Cravings? Sadly, Junk! All I want lately are sweets. Like constantly! Mainly s'mores or cake. I'm really trying to eat natural sugars, like fruit, as much as I can instead of the processed ones, but I allow myself a little dessert on the daily. It just tastes sooooo good! Like 10 times better than usual. And with all of the uncomforts (yes that's a word) of pregnancy, a little comfort food goes a loooong way!
Weight Gain? Even with all of the junk cravings, I'm only up 15lbs. At this point with Kens, I was up a good 25, soooo WIN!
Maternity Clothes? Uhhhh huhhh! My Medium maternity shorts are starting to get a little snug around the tush and thigh area. Lovely. I've taken a few weeks off from the gym due to the whole blood pressure/passing out thing, but I need to get back!
Movement? YES!!! Finally!!! I feel baby girl all the time now. I can even see my stomach move once in a while. She still gets shy when people try to feel her move but she cooperated just long enough that even daddy felt her move the other day!
How are you feeling? Some days good. Some days meh. And some days Gahhhhh! I think the "Gah" days are mainly the days where Kensie is a bit of a stinker so I'm completely exhausted. She's been cutting her two year molars (for real this time!) so the past few weeks have been DRAINING! It's been like fighting with a bag of cats while trying to smuggle a watermelon at the same time. Have you ever tried doing that? Let me tell ya, it's no piece of cake! Mmmmm
Stretch marks? No new ones yet! But based on how pointy my stomach is (on account of my placenta being in the front, right underneath my belly button) I anticipate a whole new brigade of them moving in any time now. My stomach is so incredibly hard. I really don't know how the next 14 weeks (Yes 14! Whoa!) are going to play out.
Best moment of the week? There have been two. The first is when Ian felt the baby kick. We were laying in bed getting ready to go to sleep when she started kicking like crazy. He put is hand on my left side and she tried to kick his hand away. I love his reaction when he can feel her move. It's so wonderful finally being able to share that with him!
The second best moment this week was......wait for it........Kensie went pee pee in the potty!!! Hallelujah!!! She loves to tell us that she has to go but when we have her sit there she laughs and runs away. I think she loves messing with us! Well this time, she told her Mei Mei that she had to go and she actually went! She was so proud of herself and all of the excitement that she received. Hopefully she'll keep it up!
Sleep? Ugh, don't get me started. If I actually fall asleep in our bed, I wake up in pain. Back pain, neck pain, just pain in general. I'm pretty sure it's mattress related and not pregnancy related. We're considering a new bed but ughhhh. We just bought this one two years ago so I'm having trouble pulling the trigger. In the meantime, we have a really comfortable guest bed/future Kensie's big girl bed, and couch so I've been spending a lot of my time in other rooms. I miss sleeping with the hubs though. I don't know how some married couples have separate bedrooms. I really miss him when I'm gone!
Miss anything? I should be missing lunch meat, but I eat that almost daily. Still microwaved of course!
Belly button in or out? Almost all the way out!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Current mood? Currently, as in right now? Very happy! But Kens has been back to herself the past few days so that makes me very happy! Ask me again next week. ;p
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