Do I look like anyone here? Maybe Boppa John perhaps? |
LOVE this smooshy face! |
Having stylish hair is a lot of work |
I love my activity mat! Woot Woot! |
One of my first smiles |
Kisses from Daddy are the best! |
This is my buddy Winston...... |
Man, he's HUGE!!!
I really enjoy bath time!
Auntie Amy does a good job of feeding me
.....So good, I needed a nap
Yep, this mohawk is all natural, baby!
I love my Aunt Amy!
Just look at that smile!
Snuggling with Daddy is one of my favorite activities
.......As long as it doesn't last more than 2 minutes
I'm still sporting my "fat old man" look
Look at my band aids. I got my shots today
.....And handled them like a trooper. I wish I could say the same about Mommy
Yep I remember those shot days-horrible! Thanks for sharing! We miss that little girl! O and you guys too! HA! AC