Saturday, September 7, 2013

Kensington - Five Months Old

Practicing my angelic look

 Look Mom!  I figured out the female air conditioning trick!

 Hee hee hee.  I tricked Daddy into picking me up.

My first contest.  I was robbed I tell ya.  Robbed!

 Mmm, Boppa's hair tastes good.

 What are these strange creatures?

 How do we get them out of jail?

Just "monkey-ing" around with Mommy and Daddy
 Hey, hey, hey, I finally fit in my big girl seat!

 I love my Great Grandma

 She's fun to talk to!

I know you want a good picture and all, but its cold out here people!

Just hanging out with Papa Bobert and Nana Linda

 People actually use these things?  Flat stomachs are overrated!

 A little BFF time

Oh My Gosh.......

....Makena! Makena! Look at that!!!

 Whoa dude.  I totally know what you mean!

 I wonder if your feet taste the same as mine

Huh? What? Me?  I wasn't doing anything

 Meet my buddy "Peanut"

 Getting so good at playing on my side

 Hmm, you're going to wear that?

Ha ha ha just kidding!

 I know this is "hands free" and all, but Dad, I'm not loving this

Kisses from Nana and Grandpa Mark

 Grandpa Mark makes me laugh

 I like to help Mommy in the kitchen

 This is my new play group.  Its youngest to oldest from left to right.  I look big here but I'm really smaller than a lot of my friends

 More pictures?!?!

 This bow is heavy.  Must. Hold. Head. Up!

 Yuk yuk yuk, har, har, har

Okay, okay, I'll give you a good smile

 So you're telling me I'm about to try something other than milk?  I don't know about this..

 I can do it myself

 No, really.  I've got this!

Hmm, this stuff isn't that bad....But I'm still not letting go of my spoon

 I got a new toy!

Look how well I'm doing at tummy time!

Happy August everyone!