Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baby Bound - Week 30

30 weeks: Baby weighs as much as a large cabbage 

Your baby rivals a good-size cabbage in weight, tipping the scales this week at 3 pounds. (Length: about 15 3/4 inches, head to heel.)

I'd say it looks like I have a cabbage in my belly!  

You know how when you go into a store and don’t grab a basket because you only need one item?  And then you inevitably end up buying more than you can carry?  I am notorious for doing this and I had such an experience this week at Michaels.  They were having a crazy sale on picture frames and I needed to buy just one more to complete my DIY artwork in the nursery.    Just one more!  PFFF I should’ve known better.
When I got to the frame section I couldn’t for the life of me remember what size I needed.  Was it 8x10 that matted a 5x7 or was it 11x13 that matted an 8x10?  Hmmm, I stood there perplexed trying to recall what size my other frames were.    I think to myself, “the sale ends today so if I don’t buy the right size then I’ll be up a creek!”  I mean, this was a killer sale and I wasn’t about to pay full price later on, knowing the price they were today.  “I guess I’ll just buy three of each size and return what I don’t need”.  So I gather up SIX giant frames in my arms and head to the check-out line.   But WAIT!!!  “Is that a new color frame they put out?  That would go perfectly in the nursery!  Hmmm”.   Pretty certain that I need the larger frames, I put  three of the white ones back and grab three of the large taupe frames.  But while I’m standing there I get another idea for more artwork and grab another two taupe frames.   Have you been able to keep track of the frame count?  I now have EIGHT giant frames in my arms, my huge belly, and my purse.   I felt like I was going to collapse from all of the weight.   Pleased with my frame find, I head to the check-out counter, when I feel the baby kick my bladder.  “Nooooo!!!!  This is such an inconvenient time to have to go to the bathroom!  I bet I can make it home.  Nope.  Nope I don’t think I can.  Dang it!!!” 

Okay, now that that’s taken care of, I gather all of my frames again and head to the check-out line.   As I walk to the front of the store, I of course, get distracted by every little thing along the way.  Then I realize, I need paper!   Still no basket in hand, carrying my eight giant frames, I head to the cardstock section.  Of course, the color I need is on the bottom shelve.  Go figure.   I position all eight frames under my right arm and squat down to look at the paper.  I pick out what I need and go to stand back up…….UH OH!  My legs start shaking under all of the extra weight.  I’m totally STUCK!!  Stuck in the squatted position, in the middle of the isle!  I start to sweat.  Of course I’m not alone in the isle either.  Oh geeze!!!  Overcome by embarrassment, I drop my purse, set down all of my frames and try to stand up.  Its still not working!   My legs are cramped and frozen in that position.  I fall backwards onto my butt, spin around onto my hands and knees, throw my rear in the air and finally make it vertical again, all the while making grunting noises while the lady next to me stares like she’s just seen a train wreck. 

I picked up all of my stuff and booked it out of there.  I should’ve grabbed a basket!  

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Baby Bound - Week 29


Nursery Progress: The furniture arrived this week and the nursery is starting to look like a nursery.  The bedding and curtains should be here next week!  AND, I finished the mobile!  I'm so excited how it turned out!

How are you feeling?  So tired this week!  I can’t keep my eyes open, and if I’m not in bed by 8:30 then I’m passed out on the couch.   She must be having a growth spurt.

Stretch marks?  Pffffff

Best moment of the week?  As I stated above, the nursery furniture arrived this week and OH. My. GOSH!  It looks SO good!  It’s a tad larger than I had expected but it still works in the room really well!  (I’m not a measurer.  I rely on my eye and most of the time it works out okay.   Pictures to come later).  We will have to find a new home in the house for the wagon but we need a toy box for downstairs too, right?  I don’t know if its because I’m exhausted this week or if its because its calming, but the minute I walk into the nursery I feel a sense of tranquility.  Its wonderful!  I can’t wait until its complete!

Sleep?  Delightful and much needed!

Discomforts?  Did you know that Restless Leg Syndrome is a real thing?!?!  I’ve always wondered what the heck that is?!?!  So you can’t help but wiggle your legs?  Yep, precisely!  You can’t help but wiggle your legs because the heavy, achy, tingly pain makes it so you can’t sit still. Its been less than stellar and I’d be okay if it didn’t last long.

Cravings?  Same ole stuff but you can add Red Vines to the list this week.

Miss anything?  Cold turkey sandwiches!

Movement?  She’s having more quiet days followed by more and more rowdy nights.  This little night owl is going to be just like her dad.  AND, speaking of her dad.  He’s been reading to us every night and she’s starting to react to his voice.  The minute he started reading last night, she started having a dance party.  When he would stop, then she would stop.  It was so cool!

Belly button in or out?  Still flat, but on its way out.

Wedding rings on or off?  Off.

Current mood?   Happy, happy, happy!  And feeling a bit crafty.  I can’t wait to start on my next nursery project!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Baby Bound - Week 28


How far along?  28 weeks and the beginning of the THIRD TRIMESTER!!!  Time is flying!!!

How are you feeling?  Pretty great!  I’m starting to become more and more winded with small tasks like tying my shoes and bending over.  Climbing the stairs at work has officially come to an end, and grunting has become a very normal sound to come out of me every 5 minutes. 

Stretch marks?  Yeah, yeah.  Still no sign of the “zipper” though.  Fingers crossed I don’t get that. 

Best moment of the week?   Coming back to work on Jan 2nd we were told that our company had been acquired by another company as of 12/31.  For the most part, not much has changed, and what has changed has been for the better.  I just found out that I get an additional 6 weeks paid maternity leave and that’s on top of the 12 weeks of leave I was already going to take.  I’m so stoked!   My maternity leave is set to begin on March 15th which is only 9 weeks away!!!  AND….Another great thing to note this week……My work has adjusted my "in office" hours from 8-3 rather than 8-5 to help off-set the time I sit in traffic so I don’t get too tired.  (That doesn't mean I don't stop work at 3.  I just leave the office at 3, and work the last two hours at home).  I love the people I work with!  I can honestly say they are some of the most genuine, accommodating, down-to-earth people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing!

Sleep?  Amazing!  I’ve perfected my pillow cocoon and I sleep so hard for most of the night.  I’m starting to get used to the babe’s 2:00 a.m. playtimes and can usually fall right back to sleep. 

Cravings?  Cereal!  And Starbucks decaf Via with hazelnut creamer.  And Costco chocolate muffins are back on the must have list. Oh and ice cream.  I can’t get enough.  Yum, yum!

Miss anything?  Lunch meat!  

Movement?  Crazy amounts!  I love to watch my belly move from side to side. 

Belly button in or out?  Flat when standing.  Still a little "inny" when sitting.  How does that work? 

Wedding rings on or off?  Off.

Current mood?   So happy! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bump Found - Week 27


I keep trying to convince myself that this is a cute sweater but I think this picture would prove otherwise.
Hello Star Trek! 

How far along?  27 weeks!  Can you believe it?  This is the last week of the 2nd trimester.  Whoa!

How are you feeling?  A bit tired from traveling, and excited to be back in my own bed this week, but I’m feeling great overall!  I did have my first experience with Cankles however.   Big frown!  My legs did fine on the way out to Virginia, but on the way home.  Yikes!  I took off my shoes and I had Shrek legs.  It was gross!

Stretch marks?  Sadly, yes.  Not at all where I expected them to show up but I find a new one almost every day.  My loving husband was generous enough to point out the latest batch.  Yay.

Best moment of the week?  Sleeping in my own bed!  Sleeping elsewhere is always an adjustment, even when not pregnant.  Even though I was graciously accommodated, it wasn’t the same as being in my own bed.

Sleep?  Heavenly.  I have some catching up to do.

Cravings?  Nothing new this week.  I could still live on cereal and waffles with strawberries!

Miss anything?  Until now, I really hadn’t missed anything at all.  However, this week I could really go for a turkey sub sandwich from Subway with all the fixin’s.  Mmmmm, I’m drooling just thinking about it.

Movement?  More and more each day with a periodic “quiet day” thrown in for good measure.  She still loves waking me up in the middle of the night with a swift kick though.

Belly button in or out?  Flat, flat, flat.

Wedding rings on or off?  Off.  My fingers swelled on the flight and I can’t get them back on.

Current mood?   Ecstatic!  Giddy!  Grateful!  Anxious to organize everything!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

26 Weeks - Presents, Presidents, and a Pick-Pocket


Baby Bachtel had her first trip to the other side of the country this week.  (Well I guess it’s her second trip if you count the Bahamas, but I count that as her first trip OUT of the country).  I digress………..Anyhoo, I was excited for the trip, but dreading the flight.  Turns out, the flight out there wasn’t so bad.  I was mostly comfortable and didn’t have much swelling except for my fingers.  Sadly, it forced me to take my wedding rings off, and since then that’s where they have stayed.
All in all, we had a great trip and got to visit with family that we hadn’t seen in ages.  It was wonderful!  Our adorable nephew was impressed by my burgeoning belly and seemed to understand that there was a baby inside my belly button.   He kept giving the button kisses and saying “baby”.  It was the cutest thing ever!  He also began referring to my husband and I as one person.  We were collectively known as “Uhn-key Em”.  That may have been the cutest thing ever.  It’s a toss-up.

Christmas was an all-day affair beginning with a delicious brunch and many breaks between gifts for naps and snacks.  Mainly the breaks were for our nephew, but I was thankful for them too.  Between the flight and time difference, daily naps were a necessity.

For the last few days of our trip, my husband and I branched off on our own to explore Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and then we were off to Washington D.C.   It was a beautiful city with a lot to see in a very short time, which meant a lot of walking for this girl.  A. LOT. OF. WALKING.   And only minimal complaining.  Do you believe that? 
Day One:  We saw the Department of Treasury, The White House, and the White House Christmas Tree.  The first two were pretty cool.  Although I thought The White House would be bigger.  Movies really set unreasonable expectations.  And the Christmas Tree………Well, lets just say if you’ve seen a mall Christmas Tree then you’re not missing much.   I also stopped to ask the Secret Service where the closest bathroom was.  They were really nice and pointed us in the right direction.  As we began to walk away we heard one say to the other “I’ve been there before!”  Hahahaha

Day Two:  We had our first experience with the Subway system.  It wasn’t as scary as I had imagined it would be and it was actually pretty neat.   We rode it to the Library of Congress which was beautiful!  We couldn’t believe the architecture and details.   From there, we took a stroll around the Capitol Building and then onto the Air and Space Smithsonian where I watched my husband’s face light up with joy while he drooled over the aviation paraphernalia.  He was like a kid in a candy store.  I loved watching him look at things.  I may not have admitted it that day, but it made all of the walking worth it. 

Day Three:   We started our day at the Lincoln Memorial.  This was by far my favorite monument.  Giant Lincoln is way cooler in person than on the penny.  Then we walked down the reflection ponds to the WWII Memorial where we took our final picture.  Would you like to see it?  I would too.  After our final pose we walked across the street to read the sign on why the Washington Monument was closed.  (In case you’re curious, it’s due to an earthquake back in Aug 2011).  While reading, we saw a shadow appear on the sign and I almost turned around to yell at the shmuck that was way too close for comfort.  Against my better judgment, I decided to be nice and not say anything to him.  Well, lesson learned.   You will for sure get yelled at the next time you’re in my bubble.  We’re pretty certain it was at that moment the guy reached into my husband’s jacket pocket and lifted our camera.  Sad, sad, day.  

It sucks about our camera, but we can replace it.  The pictures can’t be replaced.   Honestly, I’m just mad that I have nothing to show for all of my walking.  Can you tell I didn’t enjoy the walking?  Walking D.C. on a good day is tiring enough.  I did it nearly 7 months pregnant.  I deserve a freaking medal for that one!  J   And so does my husband!  Hypothetically, if I were to have complained at all during the trip, he didn’t say a word.  And he didn’t say anything about the up-teen-million bathroom stops we had to make along the way either.  What a trooper! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bump Found - Week 25


With the holidays and vacation I got a little behind on my posts.   And thanks to pregnancy brain, I can’t remember a thing that happened during this week.  So……Enjoy some nursery updates.

The nursery is painted and the furniture is ordered.  It should be here in just a few short weeks.  I also ordered some fabric for pillows and accents.  Not to toot my own horn, okay maybe just a little, but its looking pretty darn cute so far!  I'm so excited!!!