(Originally written 10/13/12)
Baby is the size of an AVOCADO!
I woke up this morning and my belly was bigger than it was when I went to sleep last night, which is quite a bit bigger than it was in this picture. No exaggeration. Its so surreal to go to bed one size and wake up the next morning a different size. Sur-Real! I may need to take another 16 week picture to show the difference in growth in just the past few days.
Highlight of the week: There are actually two worth mentioning. 1) I went maternity clothes shopping. What a difference they make! I got a few pairs of leggings and a bunch of long shirts/sweaters that are sooooo comfortable. I feel like I’m always wearing pj’s but without getting the “crazy lady” stairs that wearing pj’s in public warrants. And Oh. My. Gosh! Maternity jeans are my new favorite thing. I’m in love! Not only do they have a stretchy waist band that goes all the way up to my boobs (haha) but the jean material is also stretchy. I imagine they are what those Pajama Jeans on the infomercial feels like. You know you’ve seen those infomercials and have been tempted to order some. I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to go back to wearing regular jeans with buttons when the time comes….I also got…..Wait for it…..Flats! Gasp! They’re okay for what they are I guess. I despise flats. Most of them are not cute and for such ugly shoes there are few comfortable options out there. 6.5's are too small and 7's are too big. What gives??? Sorry to those of you (and there are a lot) who love flats. I just don’t get it. Maybe I still haven’t found the right pair to make me swoon. I'm still on the hunt!
The other highlight came with a bit of a rocky start. We got a chair and ottoman for the nursery! Its amazing and oh so comfortable! And we got it for a steal of a deal! Let me start from the beginning……I found the perfect chair on Craigslist and spoke with the seller several times to arrange a time to go see it and pick it up. It was perfect. Perfect color for either a boy or a girl, it glided, reclined, and was from the Goodnight Room which is where I wanted my chair from but they are like $1,200 and I refuse to spend that on a chair. We were supposed to meet at 7:00 when he texted me at 5:00 and said
“can we push it to 7:30?” Of course, I agreed. At 5:30 I got another text from him saying he just sold it to a couple who offered $15 more than the asking price and picked it up right away. “Really?” He couldn’t wait another 1.5 hours for me to come get the chair, or at least tell me they offered more and ask if I would be willing to match their offer? Jerk! Usually, I would just let this rudeness go, but after the day I had I felt I needed to express my disgust with him so I texted him a nice little message….
“ A little lesson in Craigslist etiquette – When you make an appointment with someone, its pretty rude to sell it out from underneath them. Way to go on making a pregnant chick cry!”
I’m such a snot! But c’mon people. That’s just bad form! To my surprise, I got a very apologetic text back from him. It made me feel a little better.
To cheer me up, my husband said, “
c’mon, lets go shopping and see if we can find any chairs that you like.” At first I wasn’t sure if I was up for it, but who am I kidding? Its shopping, and it was my husband's idea, so how could I resist. We walked into Baby’s R Us and as always I headed right to the clearance department. I love finding treasures in the clearance department and tonight was a gold mine! To my surprise, the one and only chair I loved in the entire store had a twin sitting in the clearance department. What was wrong with it you ask? NOTHING! A couple had bought it, decided they didn’t want it and had just returned it a few hours earlier. It was even still wrapped in plastic. Because it was a return, we got it for 20% off. SCORE!!! There was also a cute ottoman in the clearance department for 80% off so I snagged that too. They don’t match but I don't like matchy-matchy and I know I can make them work together. We scored a brand new chair and ottoman for less money that I was going to buy a used chair on Craigslist for. I'm so happy! Everything happens for a reason, and this reason was clearance at Baby’s R Us!
I love my chair. Its SO comfortable...and soft.....and cute! |